The debate between supporters and opponents of different nutritional styles is becoming more and more aggressive nowadays and is often characterized by the demagogic belief that one nutritional approach is the only correct, healthy, and effective one and stands above all others. Yet for building a fitness physique as well as for classic weight loss and fat burning, there are beyond any doubt multiple effective ways that may suit different people individually more or less. But as different as the different dietary approaches may seem at first glance (limiting carbohydrates, limiting fats, limiting meat, limiting the time of food consumption, etc.), all effective reduction diets are distinguished by some common characteristics:
Adequate calorie intake
If we want to lose weight and burn fat, we must be in a caloric deficit so that the body is forced to cover this deficit from its energy reserves (i.e., fat reserves). From a weight loss perspective, it is not so important whether the caloric deficit is created by restricting fat or carbohydrates in the diet.
Enough protein
All effective reduction diets have in common an increased protein intake, which is associated with a greater feeling of satiety, greater thermogenesis and an increase in basal metabolism, i.e., an increase in energy expenditure, not to mention the protection of muscle mass in a caloric deficit.
Strength training
A suitable part of a reduction diet for both men and women, because it has a greater effect on increasing basal metabolism and energy expenditure than simply performing aerobic activities. It does not necessarily have to be bodybuilding and gym training, but training with own weight, TRX training, etc. are also excellent for weight loss.
Quality source of nutrients
Of course, an important part of all nutritional practices and reduction diets is the emphasis on quality and industrially as little as possible processed foods, which usually contain less energy (less "hidden" calories, added sugar, etc., which will contribute to an increased caloric deficit) and much more micronutrients, fibre and other bioactive substances important for health and proper functioning of the body.
If you want to burn fat and get a fit physique, make sure your diet includes all of these factors, whether it's a low-carb or low-fat-high-carb approach. Because if they are met, you'll very likely get great results on a keto-diet as well as on a diet with rice and porridge consumption.